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Static Recovery

Take a second and think about the following questions:


- Do your VFDs run at or near 100% most of the day?


- Are your return air temperatures below 72°F?


- Does your system have difficulty maintaining static as load increases?


- Are you operating multiple chillers to compensate for this loss in static?


- Is the fan room a cool and comfortable place to hang out?



If this is starting to sound like your facility, then your HVAC system may be in need of some attention. And the cause of your issues is likely hidden in the interstitial spaces of your building and will be difficult to detect. However, through the use of thermographic imaging, we have been able to locate large issues (and small additive leaks) throughout a system and seal them properly.


We typically see 80% of a system’s air loss present in the first 20% of a system. Naturally, in order to compensate for such a large loss in capacity, a unit has to operate at a much higher output to reach the appropriate conditioned spaces. The goal of sealing these points of loss is to return your system to Design Intent without making expensive changes to the current system.


This service has resulted in massive energy savings for buildings that were thought to be beyond help. We've seen the worst of it over the years, but knowing where to invest your attention has always been key to ensuring your best ROI. And that has always been our goal with this program: save you money by increasing the lifespan and efficiency of your equipment.


So if you're looking for an increase in Indoor Air Quality, better air exchanges, getting ready for repopulation of the occupied space, or just interested in saving money, this may be the solution you didn't know existed.


Duct Riser Infrared Image
Damaged Floor Isolation Dampers
Infrared of leaking duct
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